The Saint Louis Philharmonic Society is pleased to announce its 6th annual Young Artist Solo Competition. String, wind, brass, and percussion players who are high school seniors or younger are invited to compete for this opportunity to perform with the Saint Louis Philharmonic on November 15, 2024 at the Purser Center at Logan University.
Competition Rules:
The initial stage of the competition is open to all individuals who meet the eligibility criteria below. Simply record your performance, upload it to YouTube, and send us the link using
this form.
o Videos must be submitted by September 8, 2024
o Up to 10 performers will be selected for a second round
o Multiple cash prizes may be awarded
The winner will be our Guest Soloist on November 15, 2024 at the Purser Center at Logan University, performing the same concerto movement that was heard during the competition.
The competition is open to young string, wind, brass, and percussion players (high school seniors or younger) within a 100 mile radius of St. Louis; unfortunately, we are unable to include pianists at this time.
Previous finalists of the competition are welcome to re-enter the competition, however previous winners of the competition are ineligible.
The winner must be available for rehearsal with the St. Louis Philharmonic on November 13th, a dress rehearsal on the 14th, and the culminating performance on November 15th.
Performance criteria:
- All applicants must perform the same piece for all rounds of the competition -
The selected piece can be any solo work with an orchestra accompaniment EXCEPT the following works:
o Dvorak Violin Concerto (first movement)
o Beethoven Violin Concerto (complete)
o Dvorak Cello Concerto (complete)
o Lalo, Symphonie Espagnole
First Round - Video Submission
o Due by September 8th
o An accompanist is not required for the YouTube video submission
o The video must be a single, un-edited take without interruption
o Only one submission per applicant is allowed
Second Round - Live Performance
o Held from 9a to 12p, on September 22nd
o Un-blinded performance before a panel of judges
o Must be performed from memory without cuts or modifications
o An accompanist is also required for this round; assistance available upon request
o Cuts in the tutti or accompaniment sections of the music will be permitted
- Entry Fee -
A $30 entry fee is required, made payable to:
St. Louis Philharmonic Society
PO Box 220437
St. Louis, MO 63122
Or directly through the PayPal link below.
Videos will not be viewed by the adjudicating committee until an entry fee is received.
Entry and submission form available
If you have any questions regarding the competition, please feel free to contact us at